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polar arc中文是什么意思

用"polar arc"造句"polar arc"怎么读"polar arc" in a sentence


  • 极弧


  • The main work and conclusion for this paper is as following : according to the flashover test results of several kinds of iced insulators under positive voltage and negative voltage , this paper obtained : for the single porcelain insulator , the single glass insulator and the composite insulator bridged completely by icicle , the metal cathode ' s strong ability of emission electron is the primary reason that results in the lower negative flashover voltage ; the position difference of the high resistance district in method anode side results in that porcelain insulator cluster and glass insulator cluster have an evident effect of polarity ; when less ice and no icicle at the brim of the sheds , due to numerous non - polar arcs on the composite surface , the effects of polarity of composite insulator was lost using the test method of the average flashover voltage in the freezing period , dc flashover performances were investigated of several insulators with some typical structures and different material
用"polar arc"造句  
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